b. 1986, HK.

Gui Pinheiro is a Brazilian ACD/CW currently at DAVID NY.

Prior to that, he was part of the inaugural team of DAVID Madrid, creating for brands like Activision, Burger King, and Twitter, and helping to set the creative standard of the new office that would be nominated A-List 2022 International Agency of the Year only two years after its launch.

Back in Brazil, he worked as a copywriter at AKQA São Paulo and Grey Brazil for brands such as Nike, Google, and Netflix.

Mail / LinkedIn


  • Cannes Lions (19 lions - 2 Grand Prix / 2 Gold / 5 Silver / 10 Bronze):

Grand Prix / Media / Graffiti Stores

Grand Prix / Mobile / Corruption Detector

Gold / Outdoor / Scratchboards

Gold / Mobile / Corruption Detector

Silver / Print / Late Breakfast

Silver / Direct / Scratchboards

Silver / Media / Graffiti Stores

Silver / Outdoor / Graffiti Stores

Silver / Brand Experience / Corruption Detector

Bronze / Brand Experience / Scratchboards

Bronze / Media / Silence

Bronze / Outdoor / Graffiti Stores

Bronze / Mobile / Graffiti Stores

Bronze / Creative eCommerce / Graffiti Stores

Bronze / Media / Corruption Detector

Bronze / Mobile / Corruption Detector

Bronze / Brand Experience / Corruption Detector

Bronze / Sustainable Development / Corruption Detector

Bronze / Direct / Corruption Detector

  • D&AD (2 Yellow / 2 Graphite / 8 Wood):

Yellow Pencil / Experiential / Graffiti Stores

Yellow Pencil / Digital Marketing / Corruption Detector

Graphite Pencil / Digital / Graffiti Stores

Graphite Pencil / Direct / Graffiti Stores

Wood Pencil / Gaming / Scratchboards

Wood Pencil / Experiential / Scratchboards

Wood Pencil / Direct / Scratchboards

Wood Pencil / Entertainment / Silence

Wood Pencil / Digital / Graffiti Stores

Wood Pencil / Media / Graffiti Stores

Wood Pencil / Direct / Corruption Detector

Wood Pencil / Digital Design / Corruption Detector

  • Clio Awards (1 Grand Clio / 1 Gold / 6 Silver / 5 Bronze):

Grand Clio / OOH / Graffiti Stores

Gold / Direct / Scratchboards

Silver / Print / Late Breakfast

Silver / Outdoor / Late Breakfast

Silver / Audio Craft / Worth Every Try

Silver / Design / Scratchboards

Silver / Branded Entertainment / Scratchboards

Silver / Digital/Mobile / Corruption Detector

Bronze / Experience / Scratchboards

Bronze / Out of Home / Scratchboards

Bronze / Digital/Mobile / Graffiti Stores

Bronze / Fashion & Beauty / Graffiti Stores

Bronze / Direct / Corruption Detector

  • One Show (5 Gold / 1 Silver / 6 Bronze / 13 Merit):

Gold / Out of Home / Missing Chalices

Gold / Gaming / Scratchboards

Gold / OOH / Graffiti Stores

Gold / Experimental / Graffiti Stores

Gold / Digital Craft / Corruption Detector

Silver / Gaming / Clash Puzzles

Bronze / Print / Missing Chalices

Bronze / Print / Late Breakfast

Bronze / Direct / Scratchboards

Bronze / Out of Home / Scratchboards

Bronze / Direct / Graffiti Stores

Bronze / Direct / Corruption Detector

Merit / Branded Entertainment / Home of the Ghosts

Merit / Direct / Scratchboards

Merit / Out of Home / Scratchboards

Merit / Interactive & Online / Twitter Dad

Merit / Social Media / Twitter Dad

Merit / Direct Marketing / King Stairs

Merit / Mobile / Graffiti Stores

Merit / Mobile / Corruption Detector

Merit / Mobile / Corruption Detector

Merit / Creative Data / Corruption Detector

Merit / Out of Home / Clash Puzzles

Merit / Out of Home / Clash Puzzles

Merit / Print / Late Breakfast

  • Ciclope Latino (1 Grand Prix):

Grand Prix / Silence